Geometric artwork has derived from many sources mainly Islamic, Indian and Celtic designs. Early civilisations believed science, mathematics, religion and art were connected. In Islamic artwork many different shapes can be seen. Circular designs are used to define 'one God'. Other patterns that exist are six point (hexagons), 8 point (octagons) and ten points (decagons). It is thought that as figurative imagery was banned in the Muslim faith, a new form of original art work based on geometric designs started too emerge. This art work often included not only geometric designs but also arabesque and calligraphy. These rhythmic linear patterns containing, scrolling and interlocking designs are mathematically precise, aesthetically attractive and very symbolic. Often the different modes of geometric, arabesque and calligraphy were not only used individually but also combined together. The combination of different shapes and sizes such as circles and squares duplicated and interlaced to form intricate designs of symmetry is as popular today as these designs were thousands of years ago. I am enjoying researching the beginnings of this artwork and look forward to taking inspiration from these ancient designs to further develop my own future art work and I believe that my specialist area will benefit from this.
Research Images
Through research I have discovered that although all three are based on geometric design and have many similar aspects, they each have their own distinct pattern and appearance. I think the three designs I have given above are good examples of geometric patterns derived from different sources.
Geometric design has evolved from a basic design to more elaborate, intricate, detailed works of art.
Research Images
Through research I have discovered that although all three are based on geometric design and have many similar aspects, they each have their own distinct pattern and appearance. I think the three designs I have given above are good examples of geometric patterns derived from different sources.
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