To create a good design, first comes visual research followed by sketches and finally evolving into a final outcome. Drawing is vital as it allows ideas to to be formed on paper for others to see. Without drawings visualising your ideas can be difficult.
Above are examples of basic mark marking drawings from the beginning of this project. Drawing can be created using various medias, here I have used a simple fine liner and marker pen. The figure on the right shows dark shaded areas which is my interpretation of there shadowing on buildings. I will further develop the shadings and shadows into my drawings.
For this project I have decided I want my colour scheme to be bright and bold to attract attention and express a young, vibrant energy. Experimenting with block colouring of various shades or textured colours using different medias.
This design is a digital print formed using various block shapes and colours. It is a limited colour scheme encompassing only various shades of blue and green. I really like the simplicity of the colour scheme which is enhanced by the intricate design. I could really visualise this design on wallpaper on a feature wall. For my further work I intend to introduce more colours taken from my colour scheme.
Inspiration was taken from the Gherkin building and my research into wallpaper already on the market to produce a sample design featuring bright colours and texture. This sample was produced using a mixture of gouache and acrylic paints in rich colours. I like the textured feel and look of the hand painted design.
Another example of how my designs evolve from visual research to my own outcomes.
When creating designs you should also consider the background of your art work. It is this that projects the main subject of the design into our focus. Often the background can be forgotten. A simple white background can help to bring designs to life.
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