Mid - week review
Reflecting on my work so far, I am not feeling as confident as I would like at this point. I need to broaden my samples through experimentation with different techniques, including foiling and puff binder. After a constructive one to one session with one of my tutors, I now feel more confident in the direction I wish to follow and I am looking forward to trialling new techniques and producing a strong collection.
The unit demonstrates that often the more simplistic drawing proves the most effective in print. Further more these designs are often the ones that I am most attracted to. Throughout this unit I have discovered that samples do not need to be made up from one sole media, but are in fact stronger and have more impact if they are a combination of different medias.
I am motivated to work independently, however I feel I have benefitted from the guidance of my tutor at times, which has given me more confidence and ideas to think about. By setting myself targets, my work will develop and I will keep up to date and hopefully my goals will be achieved.
I have attended the majority of the bi-weekly meetings, and those I didn’t attend, I used Moodle to catch up on the information provided. All of the meetings I have found helpful and informative, providing an opportunity to ask any questions I have regarding the unit and share ideas with my peers.
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