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Showing posts from February, 2020


Continuing with my research and the impact that colour has on our world, I decided to put down my thoughts once again on mind maps. I find collating and presenting my ideas in this way gives a clear indication of where my ideas and thought processes are heading. My first mind map introduces the  Psychology of colour, how this is seen and what each colour symbolises. This is referring back to a previously mentioned Chinese five colour system. Colour to us all can be perceived in varying ways. Light as we have already found can dramatically change the aspects of different colours. Yellow tones are thought to create warmth and energy, white is thought of as pure and innocent, red promotes love, excitement but also anger. Interestingly green is thought to promote a calming and relaxing feel. This is in line with the Chinese colour system where the colour green was thought to promote harmony. Colours have also been known to affect peoples moods and how they view their surroundings. Gree...

Colour and the Universe

"Colour is the place where our brain and the universe meet" Paul Klee The Universe is described as space and time including the planets, stars, galaxies and all other forms of matter and energy. When beginning this project I considered how the universe began almost 14 billion years ago. Did it arise from The Big Bang Theory or was it designed by God as told in the Bible? When we think of the Universe, what do we think of? To simplify this matter I decided to make a mind map gathering all information of what the universe represents. Issac Newton changed the way in which we understand the Universe. Newton discovered the laws of gravity and motion. He also understood the way light affected colour, using a prism to refract white light dividing it up into its component colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. These colours can also be seen reflected in a rainbow. We can gather from this that colour is a mixture of light and darkness and light is responsible for ...