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Showing posts from November, 2018

End of Unit Evaluation

Reflection on any project is an important and beneficial aspect, allowing us to develop our own effectiveness and skills. As always, as a designer I take inspiration from the world and the things that surround me, whether that's consciously or subconsciously. At the beginning of this project I wasn't inspired immediately to produce designs. On further visits to various museums I eventually found which path way I wanted to pursue. Once I had made this decision I then found the whole process flowed more easily and I was inspired to create effective designs using various different medias. During my research I explored many different possibilities of different themes. In the first unit the poppy theme derived from my visit to The Atkinson and subsequently The Imperial War Museum. As it was 100 years since the end of the First World War, I was constantly surrounded in various media forms ...

Royal Armouries Museum Leeds

The second part of this unit required us to visit the Royal Armouires Museum in Leeds. Housing arms and armour from all over the globe and and exhibiting warfare from many different times. There are many different exhibitions on display including the Oriental Gallery and The Swords of Middle Earth.  I feel a lot of the items on display were more applicable to students specialising in weave or   knit, however, I did take inspiration from markings and thin linings. Rather than looking at the image as a whole, I zoomed into certain sections to highlight individual areas of interest. This enabled me to produce simple drawings that could be used as my motifs to form overall prints.  Although I am not particularly interested in warfare as a whole, I do feel the trip was beneficial for me to visualise and take inspiration from objects and translate this into a design form.  Scanned in pages of my sketchb...